Total Medals Earned: 1,612 (From 239 different games.) Total Medal Score: 26,100 Points
Medals Earned: 7/11 (75/375 points)
run 50m length
run 250m length
transform to harry potter
transform to Jacob the werewolf
transform to Jaws
run 500m length
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
run 1km length
perform 30x book streaks
Medals Earned: 1/10 (5/270 points)
Fail to get at least 1.000 points
Get a score of 10.000
Get a score of 5.000
Critically hit the Knight
Get a double kill
Complete all the trials
be l33t and score over 50k
Get a triple kill, pretty hard.
Kill 10 knights in one run
Medals Earned: 8/8 (160/160 points)
Take a cheap shot after winning the dreidel game
View the ending credits
Save your game
Inspect every kind of plate and then choose wisely
Defeat the Turbo Anti-Korihor 2000 without wearing armor
Defeat Laban in one slice
Beat the game on Gumdrop (no blood) Mode
Beat the game on Blood Mode
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/230 points)
Complete the easy round
Complete the game
Finish in under 300 seconds
Complete the medium round
Finish in under 250 seconds
Complete the hard round
Finish in under 200 seconds
Finish in under 150 seconds
Medals Earned: 13/13 (350/350 points)
Lose against any team
Medals Earned: 1/12 (10/480 points)
exactly what medal name says
name says it all
does whats on tin
does what said on tin
Beat Slender Level 2
Get This For Looking At The Tutorial Screen
The Second Lagoon Level Has Been Beaten
Checking out the cabinjam medal.
Medals Earned: 30/33 (220/380 points)
from the Audio Portal
from Alien Hominid
from BEEBO
from the Brackenwood series
from Blockhead
from Cat Face
from Nameless
from NWAR
from Eddsworld
from Miss Dynamite
from the Greasy Moose series
from the Neurotically Yours series
from the Madness series
from the No Evil series
from Jerry
from Girlchan in Paradise
from Kerrigan and the Frog, etc.
from LARRY
from Leo & Satan
from Pico's School
from Salad Fingers
from Newgrounds
from Time Fcuk
from ZTV News
Link to a figurine's original submission!
Control the hands in the mini-game select screen!
Read the story!
Look at the figurines!
Watch the movie!
Try out a mini-games' alternate keys!
Find all the mini-games' Easter eggs!
Beat every mini-game!
Medals Earned: 3/3 (20/20 points)
Defeat Mid D. Boss (not on Easy Mode!)
Defeat Ninja Vader (not on Easy Mode!)
Complete the game without dying (not on Easy Mode!)
Medals Earned: 3/4 (85/185 points)
unlocked accessory 1
unlocked accessory 2
unlocked accessory 3
unlocked accessory 4
Medals Earned: 1/6 (25/380 points)
win the first phase
become developer fans
win the second pahse
reveal Jong Un real identity
beat the game